Wiley, one of the world's largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, today announced the release of the new version of its KnowItAll software, with numerous advances to accelerate spectral analysis and optimize workflows.

KnowItAll 2025, the latest version of Wiley's comprehensive software suite for spectral analysis and analytical data management, introduces a groundbreaking new tool to automate LC-MS analysis, enhanced data management, and numerous other features to streamline analysis across multiple spectral techniques.
“Access to automated solutions and comprehensive datasets is critical to laboratories' analytical success,” said Graeme Whitley, Director of Data Science Solutions at Wiley. “KnowItAll 2025 represents a major advancement in our mission to broaden these tools for the scientific community, with the introduction of a new tool that makes LC-MS analysis accessible to a broader audience of researchers.”
With KnowItAll's new LC Expert users can now transform raw chromatograms into component identifications with a single click. Powered by Wiley's comprehensive, high-quality database collections, LC Expert takes automated non-targeted and targeted spectral identification to the next level.
Additional benefits of KnowItAll 2025 include:
- New comprehensive LC-MS libraries: Users can access up to 5M+ spectra depending on the databases they choose:
- The new KnowItAll LC-MS Library collection provides access to over 2.7 million spectra.
- Includes: Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data, as well as Class-Rule Based Lipids, PFAS, and Polymer Libraries
- The following databases are also now available in KnowItAll format:
- Maurer, Meyer, Helfer, Weber: LC-HR-MS/MS Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites (5K+ spectra)
- Maurer, Wissenbach, Weber: LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, 2nd Edition (13K+ spectra)
- NIST MS/MS Library (2.3M+ spectra) – available in KnowItAll bundles
- KnowItAll Data Control: Integrate access and version control into workflows to collaborate, develop, and secure shared analytical databases throughout an organization
- Streamlined GC-MS workflow: Automatic deconvolution, peak picking, and manual analysis are now combined into one unified application
- KnowItAll drug classification models: Designed to help forensics laboratories classify novel compounds, as drugs continue to be synthesized faster than reference data can be produced
- New Raman processing algorithms: Fluorescence corrections and cosmic ray removal now available
- Additional enhancements: NMR tools expanded to support X-NMR, easier chemical drawing using pre-defined substituents, and many more
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About KnowItAll
KnowItAll provides a unified, vendor neutral software solution to identify, analyze, and manage analytical data (IR, GC-MS, LC-MS, NMR, Raman, and UV-Vis). Combined with Wiley's comprehensive, high-quality spectral reference libraries, it provides an unparalleled solution for fast, reliable spectral analysis.