Founded in 1989, Thorlabs has its headquarters in Newton, NJ. This location is also home to our mechanics, optics, fiber, advanced systems technology, and advanced applications teams as well as one of our three distribution warehouses.
On-site manufacturing allows us to customize our products quickly and efficiently to meet specialized customer requests. Our technical support team, call center, marketing, and web development teams make their homes in Newton as well, and are dedicated to providing comprehensive customer support and services.
Thorlabs extends the goal of customer centricity to our product lines as well. Our product designers are encouraged to live the experience of our customers by participating in projects that have them using many of our catalog offerings. We have developed methods that capture the entire customer experience from identifying and sourcing the product, to removing the product from the packaging, to using it in an experiment, and to dismantling and storing it when the experiment is complete. Living the experience of a customer is an integral part of the design process at Thorlabs.
We have developed a culture at Thorlabs that constantly seeks your input. Thousands of our products are a direct result of your suggestions. Of our roughly 20,000 products, Thorlabs manufactures well in excess of 90% of the items that we ship.
Using information technology tools, we are able to weld several wholly owned design and manufacturing entities together into a cohesive enterprise. In all, Thorlabs has 15 substantial design and production facilities located in 10 countries throughout the world. Each location provides a local presence within the community it serves. These local operations allow for customer dialogues that better inform our understanding of regional needs and how they fit within the worldwide picture. View all our locations here.