The Applied Biosystems QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System is a plate-based digital PCR (dPCR) platform powered by proprietary microfluidic array plate (MAP) technology.
This allows all the essential steps for dPCR — thermal cycling, compartmentalizing and data acquisition — to be performed on a single instrument. The dPCR workflow has been identical to the qPCR workflow that users are familiar with to enhance user-friendliness, reduce hands-on steps and improve consistency.
dPCR helps overcome variability and low precision by removing the need for a standard curve. The QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System comprises a single instrument, thereby consolidating all of the necessary steps into a single plate and converting a multi-step multi-instrument workflow into a one-step qPCR-like workflow.

Figure1: Prepare reaction mix, load onto plate, run instrument, and analyze data. Image Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR
An instrument is only as good as the reagents used with it. TaqMan real-time PCR assays have been the gold standard for genetic analysis for a long time. Thermo Fisher Scientific has come up with a portfolio of equally strong Absolute Q dPCR assays.
This makes use of the Company’s several years of experience, special assay design algorithms, and wet-laboratory verification process. Also, just like the TaqMan Assays, the Absolute Q dPCR assays are confirmed by a performance guarantee.
Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR
Single instrument. Single plate. Simple workflow.
Users can remove the tiresome and difficult sample and reagent preparation steps from the dPCR workflow. The QuantStudio Absolute Q system requires just one hands-on step that takes less than five minutes to complete with minimal technical skill.
Industry-leading consistency
Powered by microfluidic array plate (MAP) technology, the QuantStudio Absolute Q system and MAP16 dPCR plates allow excellent consistency in all of the examined micro-chambers.
Minimize wasted sample volume
Leveraging MAP technology and dead-ended reagent loading, more than 95% of their input sample has been examined per reaction in comparison to the 25 to 60% of other dPCR platforms.
Fast time to answer
Users no longer have to waste time moving generating micro-chambers, moving plates and reading samples. In just 90 minutes,* reagent digitization, thermal cycling and data collection are all combined into a single system with no manual transfer steps needed.
*90-minute time comprises thermal cycling, reagent digitization and data collection. The total time might vary depending on assay-specific thermal cycling needs.
Video testimonials
Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR
Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR
Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR
Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems, qPCR