May 24 2004
New for physicians is “Adults Only Vaccination: A Step-by-Step Guide," a comprehensive resource by the Immunization Action Coalition that covers all aspects of a vaccination program – from assessing vaccine indications and contraindications to determining billing codes.
The 157-page spiral-bound guide was reviewed for technical accuracy by immunization experts from the Centers for Disease Control and has the support of the AMA and many other health care organizations. The guide presents practical information on getting started, setting up vaccination services, handling and storing vaccines, deciding whom to vaccinate, administering vaccines, documenting vaccination delivery and financing vaccine services. With it comes a kit containing two videos, a pack of 25 adult immunization record cards and other useful clinic materials.
The videos, "How to Protect Your Vaccine Supply," and "Immunization Techniques: Safe, Effective, Caring," present easy-to-follow information and make valuable viewing for all physicians. The adult immunization record cards give patients helpful information about vaccines commonly given to adults and reminds them of their next vaccination due dates.
Learn more.