Jul 20 2004
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ role in the development of practical strategies for risk management for Australian general practice has been highlighted in a report on the development of guidelines for the use of Implanon®.
The report is featured in this week’s edition of The Medical Journal of Australia.
“The RACGP, in conjunction with MDA National, reported that the medical profession is increasingly accepting the need to incorporate risk-management strategies into medical practice, in order to ensure the setting and maintaining of the high standards of quality care that the Australian community expects and deserves,” said Professor Michael Kidd, RACGP President.
“Earlier this month, the RACGP issued a Checklist for Doctors and a Patient Consent Form to assist General Practitioners in reducing any risks associated with the use of the contraceptive Implanon®,” said Professor Kidd.
The guidelines were developed by one of the RACGP’s National Standing Committees, Chaired by Dr Beres Wenck.
“This demonstrates the importance and appropriateness of developing general practice guidelines in conjunction with the profession itself. This ensures the effective use of such treatments in general practice, to the benefit of our patients,” said Professor Kidd.