Jul 22 2004
The BMA has aired it's disappointment that OFCOM has not recommended a ban on all food advertising to children.
Dr Peter Maguire, Deputy Chair of the BMA's Board of Science said:
"OFCOM's own research clearly states that TV advertising has an effect on children's eating habits, yet they refuse to recommend a ban. We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic and must use all the tools in our armoury to prevent the next generation of British children being the most obese in history."
He added:
"Obesity in children stores up a lifetime of poor health. These children are at greater risk of having high blood pressure, developing diabetes and heart problems. As doctors we see the effects of childhood obesity every day. I have seen children as young as eleven with adult onset diabetes, something which would have been unheard of a generation ago. Surely the health of our children is more important than advertising revenues."