Feb 24 2006
The technology to produce low sugar fruits with up to half the calories of the natural variety has been developed by US scientists, writes Jennifer Rohn in Chemistry & Industry magazine.
Scientists at the University of California, Davis, have developed apples with high levels of the natural sweetener sorbitol. Sorbitol has only 2.6 calories per gram, 45% less than sucrose and fructose. Sorbitol, fructose and sucrose are all naturally found in fruit.
Although researcher Abhaya Dandekar has worked primarily on apples, he says that related fruits, such as pears, peaches, plums and cherries could also be produced as a low-sugar variety. Dandekar used genetic modification, but he says that plant breeders could use natural methods to achieve the same end.
'We are just getting under the hood of the biosynthesis of sorbitol,' says Dandekar. 'And it's extremely complex,' because sorbitol is used to generate fructose within fruits, but is itself produced in the leaves.
Lynsey Sizer of Weight Watchers UK says that ‘eating fruit and vegetables has always been part of our central beliefs at Weight Watchers. Fruit and vegetables are generally low in fat and calories, making them low in Points values too.’ But she says the research is interesting.
A sorbitol apple would be half a point on the Weight Watcher's diet, whereas a conventional apple is a full Point.