Nov 6 2006
The NIH is actively soliciting suggestions for new initiatives to be implemented under the aegis of the NIH Roadmap. The NIH intends to spend $30-50 million/year from within the currently projected Roadmap budget for approximately 5-8 new initiatives, beginning in FY2008.
In an effort to consider as many novel and transformative ideas as possible, the NIH has just issued a Request for Information (RFI) in the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts ( seeking input from the scientific community, health professionals, patient advocates, and the general public about innovative ideas for cross-cutting initiatives that will improve and accelerate biomedical and behavioral research and its impact on public health.
We encourage you to nominate novel ideas on ways to address barriers to research, accelerate translation of scientific discoveries, and fill research gaps that do not fall within the mission of any Institute and Center. The Roadmap is conceived as a five–to-ten year “incubator space” for NIH initiatives that are truly transforming, synergistically promote and advance the mission of the NIH as a whole, and are scientific endeavors that no other entity is likely or able to do. In formulating your suggestions, please take special note of the “inclusion criteria” outlined in the RFI. Responses must be submitted by November 17, 2007.
The following links provide additional information on the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, the NIH Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI) and the common fund, and NCI’s participation in the NIH Roadmap.
NIH Roadmap:
NCI Participation in the Roadmap: