Function and comfort over fashion is the goal this year as the kids head back to school. Starting today, the British Columbia Chiropractic Association is again launching television information to educate parents and inform them about the potential health risks an overweight back pack can cause on the early development of their children's backs.
"The Province supports the Pack It Right Pack It Light campaign in its goal to raise awareness about how to reduce the impact from heavy backpacks, which can result in back and spine injuries for children," said Mary McNeil, Minister of State for the Olympics and ActNow BC. "By reducing injuries and pain caused by overweight backpacks, we are helping children stay healthier and at their best to learn in the classroom."
The British Columbia Chiropractic Association is launching "Pack It Right Pack It Light' a six week public awareness campaign targeted at educating British Columbian's about how to prevent back and spine related injuries. By the time most kids are teenagers, over 50% of them will experience at least one lower back pain episode.
"Far too often parents dismiss back and spine injuries from over weight back packs as growing pains," said Dr. Heather McLeod, President of the BC Chiropractic Association. In fact, growing shouldn't be painful and if your child is complaining of back pain, numbness or weakness in his or her arm or leg, get the appropriate help to prevent future problems"
"Just like kids, backpacks come in all types of sizes and fashions, but don't be fooled by the biggest and cheapest pack," said Dr. Don Nixdorf, Executive Director of the BC Chiropractic Association. "Function, form, and comfort take precedence over fashion."