Sep 17 2009
HMS today announced that it had been awarded a contract by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide additional third-party liability services. With the addition of Minnesota, HMS now provides third party liability services to 39 state Medicaid agencies.
"Under this contract, HMS will supplement the state's third-party liability activities," said Billi Jo Zielinski, Assistant Commissioner of Health Care. "This will help ensure that the state remains the payor of last resort for healthcare services."
HMS will generate additional recoveries for the state by conducting data matches with insurance carriers and employers to identify other sources of healthcare coverage that have not been previously identified for enrollees of Minnesota Health Care Programs.
Minnesota Health Care Programs, which includes Medicaid, provide healthcare services to approximately 700,000 Minnesotans, with annual expenditures exceeding $5 billion. DHS's third-party liability program currently saves the state more than $130 million annually.