Oct 5 2009
Reveal Sciences, LLC, a cosmetics and aesthetics innovation company pioneering breakthrough skin care diagnostics, has announced the launch of the new consumer At-Home Skin Typing and Analysis Kit. Developed by physician Damon Borich, M.D., CEO of Reveal Sciences, and his scientific team, the novel skincare analysis technology is the next-generation spin-off from the company’s professional grade CareTypeTM Analysis System sold in spas, salons and the professional healthcare industry. The At-Home Skin Typing and Analysis Kit provides consumers access to the latest in skincare science in an easy and affordable way.
Unlike industry standard online surveys and non-scientific skin analysis methods, the At-Home Skin Analysis Kit consists of three simple-to-use disposable skin tests that measure hydration, consistency, pore size and oil output. The individual consumer enters the test results into an online skin consultation website www.mydailyskinrx.com where a custom skincare regimen is produced for each user. With the purchase of the At-Home Skin Analysis Kit consumers gain access to more than 3,000 professional spa and salon products at discounts of up to 20%.
Reveal Sciences is currently marketing the skin analysis kit directly and through the website www.mydailyskinrx.com, “The Everyday Choice for Discount Professional Skincare Products.” The company anticipates having distribution channels in retail stores in 2010. Future At-Home kits will focus on monitoring additional parameters that affect aging of the skin and overall skin wellness as well as specific conditions such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and premature aging.
Reveal’s CEO Dr. Damon Borich comments, “Our skin testing kits are a very affordable way for consumers interested in improving their skin to find products that actually work for them. The kits eliminate the expensive, time-consuming, trial and error guesswork method of buying various products in the hopes that something will work for their skin. For less than $10 consumers can have a mini-skin consultation in the privacy of their home and then have proven products shipped right to their door at a significant discount.”
Reveal Sciences anticipates that individuals suffering from acne, chronic dryness or skin irritation, psoriasis, oily skin, age spots, and other common skin conditions will benefit substantially from the quick and easy test kit. Added Dr. Borich, “Being able to actually monitor how your skin is improving under a particular skin care regimen is something that consumers have not been able to do and the At-Home Skin Typing and Analysis Kit allows them to do so.”