Xcelience, a leader in early development services, recognizes that providing access to a third, dedicated Xcelodose® 120S precision powder micro-dosing system in the experimental area enables clients to accelerate drug development with preliminary compound evaluation, earlier go/ no-go decisions and flexible options for experimental studies.
“Xcelience has always been committed to helping clients work smarter,” says Derek Hennecke, CEO and President. “We were the first provider to adopt Xcelodose® technology in North America, and now it’s the industry standard. To date, we have manufactured over 100 clinical supply batches using Capsugel’s Xcelodose® precision powder micro-dosing systems. Now we want to deliver the same high-quality results in the experimental area.”
API into Capsule and powder-in-bottle (PIB) services are designed to accelerate drug development without sacrificing quality, cost or precious material. In some specific cases we have been able to shave as much as 17 weeks from traditional development timelines. By dedicating our existing Xcelodose® 600 and 600S systems to clinical supply manufacturing, and dedicating an Xcelodose® 120S to experimental studies, we can guarantee the same high-quality results that we have been delivering for years.