Choosing your pharmacist as carefully as you choose your doctor is becoming more and more important to overall health. In the United States, we spend 53% more per person on health care than any other industrialized nation, yet our patients do not fair any better. As the health care debate rages on across the nation, pharmacists can help solve the health care puzzle by reducing overall health care costs AND improving patient care at the same time. How can pharmacists help?
Medications can only work when used correctly, and since it has become common to see more than one doctor; it is imperative to use just one pharmacy to keep your medication records in one place. Your pharmacist can help you keep track of what you are taking—prescription andover the counter (OTC)—make sure your medications do not interact negatively with each other and make sure your adhering to the proper regimen.
The American Pharmacists Association has created a few guidelines for patients to follow including a list of questions to ask your pharmacist.
To assist you in keeping track and managing all of your medications they have also created information on how to create a personal medication record to avoid future medical problems at
In this accompanying video, Kristen Binaso, Senior Director of the American Pharmacists Association, discusses why choosing a pharmacist is just as important as choosing a doctor and what questions every patient should ask their pharmacist about the medication they’re taking.