With Veterans Day approaching on November 11, our thoughts turn to supporting our veterans. Hospital for Special Care (HSC) is offering screenings for the effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in veterans returning from service in Iraq and Afghanistan. HSC is an extensive resource to veterans and their families on the education and treatment of TBI.
Many veterans may be suffering symptoms of TBI after exposure to bomb blasts, a blow to the head, the head striking an object or lack of oxygen. However, these symptoms may not be recognized as a brain injury and as a result, veterans may not be getting the treatment they need.
The free electronic TBI screenings offered via phone and through www.hfsc.org will direct veterans to appropriate treatment if warranted. In addition, HSC has created a free package of educational materials for veterans and their families.
"This is an opportunity for us to help veterans affected by TBI get on the road to better health," said HSC President and Chief Executive Officer, John Votto, DO, FCCP. "We have become increasingly concerned based on our research that some veterans may be suffering potential long-term effects from mild traumatic brain injury and not even know it."
TBI can result in one or more of the following symptoms:
-- A brief loss of consciousness -- Loss of memory immediately before or after the injury -- Any alteration in mental state at the time of the accident -- Persistent post-concussive symptoms such as irritability, headache and difficulty concentrating
If you know a veteran experiencing any of the above symptoms or a family member who wants more information about brain injuries, Hospital for Special care can provide the resources and education needed to gain a better understanding of the injury and its treatment.