Riverside Medical Center has always strived to be a forerunner in providing remarkable healthcare experiences to those who need Illinois healthcare. To further exemplify their determination, Riverside is now offering a new volunteer program that brings the love of music to promote healing. This new program shows that Riverside is willing to go above and beyond to provide their patients who are recovering at the Illinois hospital.
The latest research shows that music has a profound effect on the body and mind while recovering at a hospital. Riverside Medical Center is one of the first hospitals in the Chicago area that have really stepped up and applied this effect in full force. Made up of a group of local performers, Riverside's Music Volunteer Program offers a venue where musicians specializing in strings as well as piano, woodwinds and some brass instruments can share their talents to help make a difference in the recovery of a patient.
This music program is rather extraordinary. Listening to music can cause very distinct reactions in people. If you listen to a piece of music that is strong and fast, you are going to feel full of energy and alert. Likewise, if you listen to a piece of music that has a slower tempo, you will likely feel calm and restful.
The musical volunteers are also special in their own right. The musicians must submit an application at the Illinois hospital. After a review of the applications, each musician is given an audition. Once a volunteer is selected, they perform their music for a couple of hours each month, depending on the availability of their schedule. These musicians come to play the music that they love, while at the same time they also get to feel good about themselves for helping heal those in need.
This program allows for the patients and volunteers to use the natural healing impacts of music to compliment Riverside's institute of comprehensive Illinois healthcare services. While not many hospitals in the Chicago area are providing this program, Riverside Medical Center stands behind the success of the program. Your Illinois healthcare provider is sure to recommend you take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity.