Jan 21 2010
"Human Relation and Personified Relational Disorders" by K. Shams M.D., is a fresh look at the all too familiar and greatly misunderstood issue of the human relation.
This book addresses the necessity and process of the development of the human relation and the dynamic forces affecting Relational Transactions and the Human Relation as a whole. It reviews development of the human personality and Personality Disorders. This writing evaluates the role and the impact of Personality Disorders on sick human relations.
Human relation is a fundamental component of the human condition. It is the human relation that creates communities and fuels every aspect of life – from food and housing to literature and poetry and arts, from music and cinema to law and medicine, from moral values to religious orientation – they all thrive on the human relation.
Human relation is also big business, with some estimates that it is a trillion dollar industry. Religious wedding ceremonies, match making and dating companies, prostitution houses, family law attorneys, wedding planners, marriage and family counselors, human resources and employee assistance departments, domestic violence intervention systems, divorce industry, law enforcement agencies involved in relational murders and suicides, and many other systems all feed off the human relation in health and sickness. "Human Relation and Personified Relational Disorders" will shed light on this issue in an interesting and informative manner.