In testimony at a Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC) hearing on
possible budget reduction options, the President of the Texas Health
Care Association (THCA) warned that any cuts now to Texas Medicaid
payment rates for nursing home care will confront the nursing home
profession with dire financial consequences. The Federal Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has already begun to implement $725
million in federal Medicare cuts, which Texas has historically relied
upon to prop up the already inadequate funding of state Medicaid rates
that have not met the state’s own rate-setting methodology since 1999.
“A full eighty
to eighty-five percent of nursing home residents are dependent upon
federal and state programs that have already been cut -- or now being
examined for cuts at today’s hearing. This double whammy on facilities
and their residents is a truly ominous development.”
“Before we engage in discussions about cutting Texas seniors’ key
Medicaid-financed programs, we absolutely have to look first at the fact
that nursing homes are already having to deal with a state and federal
funding environment that squeezes facilities’ abilities to recruit and
retain high quality direct care staff and to deliver the level of care
that our frail and elderly residents deserve and expect. They have spent
their lives paying taxes to support this system of care, and it simply
is not fair that the state would turn its back on them now, when they
need it the most.,” stated Tim Graves, President of THCA. “A full eighty
to eighty-five percent of nursing home residents are dependent upon
federal and state programs that have already been cut -- or now being
examined for cuts at today’s hearing. This double whammy on facilities
and their residents is a truly ominous development.”
Graves pointed out that the impact of the CMS recent $725 million cut to
Texas seniors’ Medicare-funded nursing home care is adding greatly to
the chronic stress already inflicted on seniors’ care needs due to the
fact that Medicaid rates paid to providers in 2010 are approximately
$200 million short of meeting the state’s own conservative estimate of
necessary funding.
“Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst and Speaker Strauss have made it
clear the challenging budget conditions we face in this 2010-11
biennium, and potentially into 2012-2013 as well. THCA, and the nursing
home profession across Texas want to be a part of a rational and
compassionate budgetary solution that makes economic sense in this
period of recession. The Medicaid cuts that the state is laying out for
consideration could precipitate the loss of far more in federal funding
than it will save in state general revenue dollars,” stated Graves.
“Starting at today’s HHSC hearing, we intend to highlight the fact that
meeting seniors’ long term care needs -- as well as sustaining a strong
workforce and local jobs base -- will be predicated upon appropriate
Medicaid funding levels from Austin, particularly in the face of deep
cuts to Medicare funding in Washington.”
Concluded Graves: “It is essential to have an open, engaged public
discussion to ensure our state lawmakers understand how cuts in federal
Medicare spending means that it is now even more vital to close the gap
in state Medicaid rate adequacy. The well being of 60,000 Texas seniors
now in the care of our dedicated nursing home services providers is at