Mar 4 2010
SpePharm Holding, BV today announced the acquisition of the worldwide
(with the exception of North and South America) rights to Savene® from
TopoTarget A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark). As part of the acquisition
SpePharm will also take on the European sales force of TopoTarget.
Savene®, which has been marketed by TopoTarget since its approval by the
EMEA in July 2006, is the only approved product for the treatment of
extravasations, or leakage out of the blood stream, of certain commonly
used anticancer drugs known as anthracyclines. If not adequately and
timely treated, such extravasations can lead to tissue necrosis that is
sometimes of sufficient severity to require surgery including amputation.
“and we believe that this
transaction not only provides us with additional capital to acquire new
products but also provides important business development synergies for
the future benefit of both companies.”
To complete this acquisition and to finance its further growth in
Europe, SpePharm also announced the closing of a €7 million equity
investment by its existing investors: TVM Capital, Signet Healthcare and
Paul Capital Healthcare.
At the same time, SpePharm announced a €4 million secured convertible
debenture from Paladin Labs, Inc. (Montreal, Canada). Concomitant with
the funding provided by Paladin, SpePharm granted Paladin an exclusive
license to Savene® for South Africa and Israel. The two companies will
provide each other with reciprocal rights, in their respective
geographies, that come from any future product acquisitions or licensing
transactions. Given the strategic importance and broad nature of this
relationship, Paladin will also be entitled to place a representative on
the SpePharm Supervisory Board.
“We are extremely pleased to add Savene® to our product
portfolio and are confident SpePharm will continue to rapidly grow its
sales as we integrate this medically important orphan drug product for
the treatment of patients with anthracycline extravasations into our
portfolio. Savene®, together with the sales and marketing
team of TopoTarget that will join us, will give SpePharm the opportunity
to expand its commercial presence into several additional European
countries and reinforce our position in hospital oncology departments
throughout Europe”, said Jean-François Labbé, Managing Director and CEO
of SpePharm.
“We are excited to see Paladin Labs become a strategic partner in
SpePharm,” added Jean-François Labbé, “and we believe that this
transaction not only provides us with additional capital to acquire new
products but also provides important business development synergies for
the future benefit of both companies.”