National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS in the U.S. and the World

A Vision of Unity and Faith from The Balm In Gilead

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS begins Sunday, March 7th – Saturday, March 13th, 2010, with Churches, Synagogues, Temples and Homes calling Americans to teach, advocate and pray for the healing of AIDS in the United States and the World.

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, sponsored by The Balm In Gilead, calls on faith leaders and all people of faith across the United States, to include prayer for the healing of AIDS and education in their respective worship services and to plan activities to bring awareness and to educate about the AIDS epidemic in the US. More than 10 million Americans are expected to receive HIV/AIDS education through their faith communities over the course of the week.

In New York City several churches will participate throughout the week, opening their doors for public and private prayer and worship.

Monday, March 8,  6:00 pm –7 pm, St. Paul Baptist Church (249 West 132nd Street in Manhattan) will conduct HIV Testing provided by North General Hospital followed by Prayer Service. Presented by Rev. Dr. V. DuWayne Battle, Pastor.  There will be singing, praying, sharing, testimonies, education, reflection and joy.

Wednesday, March 10th ,  4 pm -6 pm, The Riverside Church Chapel (19 Claremont Avenue at 120th Street in Manhattan) will host "Come Heal with Us," an evening of reflection and worship led by Rev. Stacy Latimer and Chaplin Dina Mann, followed by "Space for Grace," a praise and worship service hosted by Darlene Cheek  of The Balm In Gilead.

Friday, March 12th , 4 pm -12 am, Salvation & Deliverance Church (37 W. 116th Street in Manhattan) will hold a Gospel Vigil HIV Forum FREE to the Public.

Sunday, March 14, beginning at 9:30 am, Macedonia AME Church (3722 Union Street, Flushing, New York) will begin service with a message of hope and healing for AIDS presented by Rev. Ozzie Edwards, New York Annual Conference, HIV/AIDS Ministry Rev. Ellen Meatier, Assistant Pastor; followed by a Panel Discussion: Living with Stigma & HIV/AIDS – 12 pm – 2 pm including HIV Testing (Oral) & Counseling; Health Education Demonstrations.


The Balm In Gilead


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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