Mar 26 2010
Allscripts (Nasdaq: MDRX) announced today that North Florida Surgeons (NFS) has selected the Allscripts Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Practice Management solution to automate and connect clinical and business functions for their 31 physicians and three mid-level providers.
Founded in 1996 and based in Jacksonville, North Florida Surgeons has experienced growth in both size and specialty over the last two years and is now one of the largest physician-owned general surgery practices in the United States. Since 2008, North Florida Surgeons has added five new offices and now has more than 100 employees in thirteen offices across the greater Jacksonville area.
"North Florida Surgeons is committed to making our services more efficient and effective for patients, and the implementation of the electronic health record marks a significant step in that direction," said Paul Chappano, MD, President of North Florida Surgeons. "We are looking forward to partnering with Allscripts to improve our operations and enhance the all-around patient experience."
North Florida Surgeons conducted an exhaustive search for a fully integrated Electronic Health Record and Practice Management system. In the end, the group was swayed by Allscripts' ability to address a significant financial problem with its Patient Payment Assurance solution.
The cost of consumer-driven healthcare
Like every other medical group in the country, North Florida Surgeons is grappling with a shift towards consumer-driven healthcare caused by the rise in more affordable, high-deductible health insurance plans. With patients bearing more out-of-pocket expense for healthcare services, direct patient billings are now the fastest growing portion of many providers' revenue streams. However, many practices are forced to write off as much as half of that income as bad debt, reportedly costing the healthcare system hundreds of billions of dollars each year.
"The movement towards high-deductible insurance plans is problematic because it shifts significant out-of-pocket expenses to the patient," said John Berlin, Chief Executive Officer of North Florida Surgeons. "Patients understandably are sometimes reluctant or unable to make large up-front payments for the care they receive. Allscripts Patient Payment Assurance resolves this problem to the satisfaction of physicians and patients alike, and was a key factor in our decision to select Allscripts."
Allscripts point-of-care payment solution
Allscripts Patient Payment Assurance powered by mPay Gateway enables providers to calculate how much the patient owes, based on their own rates and the patient's insurance, and obtain payment authorization before the patient leaves the office. The patient's payment card is charged only after the clinic settles the claim with the insurance company. Clinics utilizing the solution have realized as much as a 50 percent decrease in patient receivables.
"Our Patient Payment Assurance solution will enable North Florida Surgeons to address the growing problem of patients who don't pay, or what the industry refers to as 'accounts receivable,' by providing patients with more information on costs so they can plan more effectively, plus an easier way to make payments," said Glen Tullman, Chief Executive Officer of Allscripts. "It turns out this is as much a win for patients as it is for the physician practices, like North Florida Surgeons, who are implementing the new service. It's satisfying to be able to provide a service that makes life easier for patients and lets organizations like North Florida Surgeons focus on what they do best – delivering world-class patient care."
Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions, Inc.