A new, free weekly ezine, Lab Animal e-Alert, helps
scientists whose research involves lab animals assure regulatory and
ethical compliance in their use. Its format is a reader question
followed by an answer from an expert.
Millions of smaller animals (mice, rats, rabbits) and large numbers of
other lab animals are employed in research annually in the USA and other
countries. However, their maintenance and use are heavily governed by
Federal, state, institutional, and professional society rules and
Principal investigators (PIs) are the lead scientists responsible
for operating the individual laboratories where the research experiments
are carried out, so they are the researchers closest to the actual
experimental use of the lab animals.
Lab Animal e-Alert is focused on disseminating and
interpreting the regulatory and ethical requirements applicable to lab
animals. Thus, it will not cover such other worthwhile
animal subjects as breeding techniques, surgical technicalities, lab
animal parasites, etc.
In addition to PIs, other scientists who will find the ezine helpful are
members of each facility's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(IACUC), Veterinarian(s) and the Institutional Official--the latter
warrants to Government and other research funders that the facility is
adhering to animal rules and regulations.
The inaugural issue of the ezine features an animal behavioral expert's
advice on dealing with a lab technician who "swatted" a lab animal after
becoming upset when the creature bit him.