Apr 26 2010
e-MDs, an industry leader in the development and implementation of electronic health record (EHR) and practice management (PM) solutions, announced they have been selected as one of two recommended EHR vendors by the Alaska EHR Alliance (AEHRA). e-MDs was identified through The EHR Selection Project as an endorsed vendor to Alaska healthcare providers looking to incorporate an EHR in their clinical practice. The company excelled in an eight-month vetting process, proving to be a suitable partner for Alaska practices upgrading their health information technology (HIT).
AEHRA conducted The EHR Selection Project through funding from the Alaska eHealth Network via a grant from the State of Alaska. The Alaska eHealth Network was recently awarded $3,632,357 by the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to become the Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center (HITREC) for the state. The EHR Selection Project was initiated by a 2009 survey determining one of the largest barriers to EHR adoption in Alaska is the difficulty deciding on a vendor and product. Through an eight-month evaluation process involving a 15-member statewide taskforce consisting of physicians and clinic managers, EHR vendors were evaluated based on their products, pricing, reputation, and interoperability.
e-MDs' products, services and company vision were deemed as best-suited for Alaska's providers, with particular emphasis on those in the smaller 1 – 10 size clinics. The selection task force scored e-MDs and one other vendor the highest in the selection process based on a number of factors. Their recommendation was approved by the Alaska EHR Alliance Board that then publicized the selection to Alaskan providers. The company also scored well in the following areas:
- Affordability
- e-Prescribing capability and functionality
- CCHIT Certification
- Top rankings in American Academy of Family Physicians and American College of Physicians Surveys and consistently high scores from vendor analyst, KLAS
- Guarantee to interface with State health information exchange (HIE) system
- Inclusion of a practice management system
- Small to mid-size practice specialty
- 93.3% satisfaction rating from Alaska physicians in 2009
"I would like to commend Alaska on making strides toward state-wide EHR and health information exchange implementation. We are honored to have been selected and look forward to helping providers in Alaska move towards a streamlined and interconnected healthcare community," said Dr. Michael Stearns, President and CEO of e-MDs. "Our success over the past 14 years with implementing EHRs, including adoption by thousands of primary care providers in small to medium size practices, will serve us well in making our efforts in Alaska a success."