PURE Bioscience qualifies for Russell 3000, Russell 2000 Indexes

PURE Bioscience (NASDAQ:PURE) today announced that it has been added to the Russell 3000® and Russell 2000® Indexes, which measure the performance of the largest U.S. companies based on total market capitalization. The Russell 2000 is the smaller 2,000 companies within the larger index. The annual reconstitution of the Russell Indexes occurred on Friday, June 25th.

“Qualifying for the Russell 3000 reflects investors' growing awareness of the progress and potential of our patented silver dihydrogen citrate (SDC) technology.”

"Our addition to these widely recognized indexes can provide PURE with a higher profile in the investment community and increased exposure to institutional investors," said Michael L. Krall, President and CEO of PURE Bioscience. "Qualifying for the Russell 3000 reflects investors' growing awareness of the progress and potential of our patented silver dihydrogen citrate (SDC) technology."

Russell indexes are used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for both passive and active investment strategies. According to Russell, approximately $4 trillion in assets currently are benchmarked to their indexes.

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