QLT joins Russell Global Index

QLT Inc. (Nasdaq:QLTI) (TSX:QLT), a company dedicated to the development and commercialization of innovative therapies for the eye, announced today that the company has been added to the Russell Global Index. The 2010 reconstitution of the Russell Indexes, a comprehensive set of U.S. and global equity indexes created by Russell Investments, took place after the market close on June 25, 2010.    

The Russell Global Index represents the investable global equity market and its segments comprehensively. It consists of more than 10,000 securities in 70 countries and offers over 300 key subindexes. Consistent with the design of the family of Russell U.S. Equity Indexes, it is constructed using float-adjusted market capitalization weights and represents 98% of the investable global equity market. Membership in the Russell Global Index remains in place for one year and is reconstituted annually. For more information on QLT's addition to the Russell Global Index and to obtain the index's list of additions and deletions, please visit Russell's website at www.russell.com.

Source QLT Inc.

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