Aug 17 2010
ImPACKD and The Kidney Foundation of Canada Join Forces to Help Launch
Before today, millions of Canadians living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) did not have a strong online advocacy presence. Improving Patient Advocacy in Chronic Kidney Disease (ImPACKD) and The Kidney Foundation of Canada are now joining forces to provide an effective resource. Together, they are launching, a microsite of that is specifically designed for Canadians affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD).
"ImPACKD is dedicated to helping CKD patients and their families take an active role in bringing about positive change by using their first-hand knowledge of the daily challenges and frustrations caused by CKD," explains Carroll Thorowsky, an Executive member of ImPACKD and CKD caregiver. "With the web platform support and charitable sector expertise of The Kidney Foundation, we are providing a vehicle for the CKD community affected by kidney disease to communicate with each other as well as health care professionals and government. Our goal is to improve access to the care and services we - as CKD patients and caregivers - most need."
The Kidney Foundation of Canada supports ImPACKD's goal of empowering CKD patients and their caregivers. "We are pleased to be collaborating with ImPACKD to share resources, support and information that can help improve the lives of people affected by kidney disease," says Paul Shay, National Executive Director of The Kidney Foundation of Canada.
With a vast provincial disparity in the way CKD patients are treated, cared for and monitored, ImPACKD first came together in November 2009 with the initial goal of advocating for equal access to optimal care for Canadians affected by chronic kidney disease. Since that time, ImPACKD has expanded its areas of focus to include proactive screening for patients at risk of developing kidney disease and increased dietary assistance for CKD patients through additional listings on nutritional labels.
"There are issues surrounding kidney disease that are not currently being actively addressed, but the development of hosted on The Kidney Foundation of Canada's website will provide the forum needed by the CKD community to voice its concerns and raise the much needed public awareness around these issues," says Marie-Eve Chainey, an Executive member of ImPACKD, a CKD patient, and volunteer with The Kidney Foundation's Peer Support Program.
ImPACKD encourages patients to take responsibility for their health by learning about health risks, treatment options, the right questions to ask and the importance of reporting any adverse events they experience.