QPIP observes 1st anniversary

Quality Physicians Insurance Program (QPIP), a risk purchasing group providing professional liability insurance to physicians in Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia, recently celebrated the company's 1st anniversary.

“The response to our focus on quality and excellent communication skills for physicians has been phenomenal”

QPIP was started by a team of industry veterans in the medical professional liability marketplace including Susan Hughes Mertes, who brings more than 20 years of industry experience, and Mark Krol, who has more than 25 years of industry experience. The company specializes in providing coverage for physicians who meet a high standard of patient communication and quality of care guidelines. Qualifying physicians enjoy significantly lower premiums - up to 40 percent less than what they are currently paying.

"The response to our focus on quality and excellent communication skills for physicians has been phenomenal," notes Susan Hughes Mertes, senior vice president of Underwriting for QPIP. "In just one year we've been able to make significant inroads in our initial three territories - Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. Our immediate expansion plans include Delaware and others states along the Eastern seaboard."

Industry research shows that up to two-thirds of all medical liability cases are influenced in some way by poor communication between patients and their medical providers. QPIP measures the communication skills of its physicians using a proprietary, scientifically based method developed by the National Institute of Quality Assurance (NIQA).

One of the largest expenditures for many physicians today is the cost for medical professional liability coverages. QPIP's philosophy is that physicians with good communication skills and who adhere to proven patient safety protocols have lower risk and better outcomes.

QPIP strives to become intimately aware of how the physician practices medicine and the impact that has on quality, outcomes and liability. QPIP rewards physicians who exemplify the highest standards of communication skills and who participate in quality programs and safety initiatives by applying underwriting credits that help to lower liability costs.

The program is underwritten by Ironshore an AM Best A- (Excellent) rated insurer. It is administered by Strategy Management Insurance, LLC, a company created to provide an array of management and administrative services for physician groups, professional liability insurance companies and health insurers.

"We have to find ways to recognize and reward physicians for the time they spend on quality initiatives," notes Mertes. "We believe our model, that incorporates scientific methodology and proven underwriting techniques, will help lower premiums and set a new standard for all physicians."


Quality Physicians Insurance Program


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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