Nanomed TV foresees to become the main hub for Nanomedicine thanks to its initiators, two major European players in nanomedicine: the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) and Nanobiotix. Nanomed TV will make information accessible, aiming at answering what people need and wish to know about Nanomedicine.
This project is driven by Nanobiotix, a leading company in Nanomedicine focused on cancer treatment and the ETPN, an initiative led by the industry and set up together with the European Commission to address the application of nanotechnology to achieve breakthroughs in healthcare.
NanomedTV is supported by renowned experts that bring together scientific, medical, regulatory, industrial and financial expertise.
According to Laurent Levy, co-founder and CEO of Nanobiotix, a 15 years long veteran in nanotechnologies : "People are looking for experts to advise them, not to ignore them. Thus, Nanomedicine experts need to inform in a trustful and comprehensive way on discoveries and new knowledge in order to speed up the adoption of Nanomedicine to the benefit of patients and the healthcare system."
Bertrand Loubaton, chairman of the ETPN, claims that "NanomedTV will contribute to the dissemination of novel medical approaches and will help to bring the interested communities - industry, academia, research bodies and public authorities as well as the individual patients - together and by that to create a transparent and reliable information channel."
Nanotechnologies represent a historical break that gives clinicians new tools in the fight against disease, trauma and other medical problems. Diagnoses can be made earlier and more quickly; medicines and other treatments can be better targeted and lead to fewer side effects. More importantly, nanomedicine can bring new options for treatment through new modes of action that are not based on biological interaction.