Synexus, the world's largest company responsible for the recruitment and running of clinical trials, has won its first contract to conduct ophthalmology studies. The Manchester-based company announced its intention to become involved in ophthalmology trials last October, following discussions with leading sponsors.
The trial, conducted on behalf of a leading pharmaceutical company, will be carried out across several of Synexus' 26 Dedicated Research Centres, with recruitment already underway.
Chief Executive of Synexus, Dr Christophe Berthoux, is delighted with these significant new business wins: "We have worked hard to secure the right expertise to support our developments in the ophthalmology field and also to invest in the best technology to support the trials sponsors are looking to undertake. It is further testimony to our reputation, gained in other therapeutic areas, particularly in terms of rapid recruitment, that these sponsors have come to us to deliver their studies for ocular drug development.
Synexus has recently announced its intention to establish a presence in the US. The company is now enjoying the support of more leading sponsors including pharmaceutical organisations and major CROs for its model that recruits high numbers of patients to a limited number of sites.
Source: Synexus