Family Service Toronto has chosen the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day (March 8, 2011) to launch a series of publications for its If I Had Only Known project - a groundbreaking initiative that engages newcomer communities in the development of powerful messages around abuse in close personal relationships.
The project, funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, has been coordinated through Family Service Toronto's Violence Against Women program, which offers support in several languages to women who have been, or are being, abused.
The project culminates March 8 with the publication of a series of brochures (in six languages) on family violence, elder abuse and partner education and support. Each brochure includes information on Canadian laws, individual rights and responsibilities and resources.
Newcomer communities and related languages involved in the development and production of the brochures are Afghan (Pashto and Dari); Iranian (Farsi); Sri Lankan (Tamil); Somalian (Somali) and South Asian (Punjabi).
The launch event is scheduled for 9 am in Room 310 at Metro Toronto Hall, 55 John St., Toronto, M5V 3C6. Remarks will be at 9:30 am.
"No project could offer more hope and opportunity for change than this one," notes Margaret Hancock, Executive Director, Family Service Toronto. "And we are pleased that we have funding to continue working on abuse issues with many of these communities over the coming year."