Jul 13 2011
Elsevier (www.elsevier.com) has announced the publication of the first issue of Current Opinion in Virology - a new journal in its prestigious Current Opinion series, publishing six issues a year. Current Opinion in Virology was launched to provide a systematic, comprehensive and filtered approach to the ever-expanding wealth of research published on viruses and viral interaction: a platform to help busy specialists keep up-to-date with the latest trends and topics in virology research. The journal publishes invited review papers only and is divided into twelve annual sections, including viral genomics, antivirals and resistance, emerging viruses and virus evolution.
The editorial board is led by Editors in Chief Mary Estes (Baylor College of Medicine, USA) and Ab Osterhaus (Erasmus MC, The Netherlands). "Virology is a discipline that is dynamic, multidisciplinary and important to our lives in many ways," states Dr. Estes. "When approached about starting a new journal in virology, we came to the conclusion that the principle and quality of the Current Opinion series in other topics made it an attractive medium to communicate new information in a broad range of virology topics. Looking beyond the successful launch of the journal," Dr Estes concluded, "we look forward, as the virology field, technologies and world continues to change, to Current Opinion in Virology becoming one of the most highly respected journals in the field."