Clinical Vaccine Immunology publishes NanoBio's NB-1008 influenza study results

NanoBio® Corporation announced today that data from its ferret influenza vaccine study of NB-1008 have been published in the July 2011 issue of Clinical Vaccine Immunology by the American Society of Microbiology. Data generated from the study demonstrate the robust antigen-sparing properties of NB-1008 and provided the necessary validation to move immediately into human studies. A Phase 1a study of NB-1008 was subsequently completed in 2010, showing NB-1008 was well-tolerated while inducing both mucosal and systemic immunity following intranasal vaccination.

The publication, entitled "Intranasal Immunization of Ferrets with Commercial Trivalent Influenza Vaccines Formulated in a Nanoemulsion-Based Adjuvant," describes the protocol and results of NanoBio's large study in ferrets, which represents the animal model most predictive of human response. Results from the study indicate the ability of NB-1008 to elicit robust systemic immunity against influenza, without evidence of toxicity or tolerability concerns. In addition, NB-1008 elicited cross-protection to all five H3N2 influenza strains tested, none of which were included as part of the vaccine.

"In this ferret study, we used doses of antigen at 1/50th of the standard commercial dose, and then combined the antigen with our nanoemulsion adjuvant prior to vaccination," said Ali I. Fattom, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Vaccine Research and Development, NanoBio. "Despite the low antigen dose, the ferrets vaccinated responded with robust systemic titers against influenza. These data reflect the significant antigen-sparing properties of our nanoemulsion adjuvant platform. In addition, the cross-protection observed indicates our adjuvant can enhance cross-reactive antibodies, which could play an important role in developing a future universal vaccine for influenza."

James R. Baker, Jr., MD, NanoBio's Founder & CEO added, "We have selected influenza as our lead vaccine candidate as a model or proof of concept for our nanoemulsion adjuvant platform. The research described in this publication represents a critical step for NanoBio, and provided the impetus for proceeding directly to Phase 1 studies. As we stand today, we are currently conducting a Phase 1b study in influenza to optimize our results in humans. In parallel, we are aggressively pursuing development programs for nanoemulsion-adjuvanted vaccines for RSV and UTI, based on the promise we have seen with our influenza vaccine."




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