Lenalidomide and SNS01-T combination effective against multiple myeloma

Senesco Technologies, Inc. ("Senesco" or the "Company") (NYSE AMEX: SNT) announced today that a high level of tumor eradication in a mouse model of human multiple myeloma was achieved with a combination of SNS01-T and lenalidomide.

“SNS01-T has once again demonstrated excellent efficacy alone and even more when combined with lenalidomide”

"SNS01-T has once again demonstrated excellent efficacy alone and even more when combined with lenalidomide," said Leslie J. Browne, Ph.D., President and CEO of Senesco. "Lenalidomide is the active ingredient of REVLIMID®, which is marketed by Celgene and is widely used to treat multiple myeloma. While SNS01-T alone performed well by completely eliminating tumors in 40% of the animals, complete tumor eradication was achieved in five out of six or 83%of the treated animals that received SNS01-T combined with the optimal study dose of lenalidomide. This effect has lasted throughout 3 weeks of observation after the end of treatment. Neither dose of lenalidomide used alone eliminated tumors in any of the treated mice."

The Company recently reported that SNS01-T significantly inhibits the growth of both human mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas in mouse xenograft models and that the combination of lenalidomide and SNS01-T, performs better than either treatment alone in a mouse xenograft model of human mantle cell lymphoma.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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