Obama to talk health law's benefits for women, families

In an effort to rally public support for the overhaul, President Barack Obama will talk about provisions that benefit women as part of a Mother's Day-themed event.

The Associated Press/Washington Post: Obama Launches New Effort To Sell Health Care As Law's Main Components Near Implementation
President Barack Obama is launching a new effort to rally the public around his hotly disputed health care law, a strategy aimed at shoring up key components of the sweeping federal overhaul and staving off yet another challenge from Republicans. The president will specifically target women and young people, groups that backed him overwhelmingly during his presidential campaigns. During a Mother's Day-themed event at the White House on Friday, Obama will promote the benefits of the law for women, including free cancer screenings and contraceptives, and ask moms to urge their uninsured adult children to sign up for the health insurance "exchanges" that open this fall (5/10).

The Hill: Obama To Tout Health Law's Benefits For Women At Friday Event
President Obama will make a public defense of his signature healthcare law Friday, using Mother's Day as a backdrop. Obama will highlight popular pieces of the healthcare law, such as the provision allowing children to stay on their parents' insurance policies through age 26, a White House official said. He'll be flanked by "women and families" who have benefitted from the law (Baker, 5/9).

CNN: President To Tout Obamacare Benefits
The Affordable Care Act, enacted in 2010 but still the focus of intense Republican scorn, will get a boost from its champion President Barack Obama on Friday at an event singling out the law's benefits for women. His remarks, to be delivered at the White House, will be made alongside women and families the White House says are already benefiting from the measure, which has become known as Obamacare. The event is pegged to Mother's Day (Liptax, 5/9).

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is also hailing the health law--

The Hill: Pelosi: Dems Eager For 'Remarkable' Reforms Coming In ObamaCare
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday hailed the implementation of healthcare reform as "remarkable" and said Democrats are "very pleased" the central elements of the law are soon coming into force. Some Democratic leaders have expressed worry that any glitches in the law's implementation will provide Republicans with easy attack lines heading into the 2014 midterms (Lillis, 5/9).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from kaiserhealthnews.org with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



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