GfK to deliver major presentation on personalized medicine at PBIRG Annual General Meeting

GfK will deliver a major presentation about patient perspectives' on personalized medicine at the Pharmaceutical Business and Intelligence Research Group (PBIRG) Annual General Meeting, taking place May 19 to 22 in Naples, Florida.

“Shifting the Paradigm: Patient Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Hold the Key for Personalized Medicine.”

Gavin Erickson, Principal Consultant at GfK Bridgehead, will lead the session, titled "Shifting the Paradigm: Patient Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Hold the Key for Personalized Medicine." Erickson will review key aspects of the personalized medicine phenomenon, such as:

  • trends in patient awareness
  • the role of manufacturers in educating patients
  • clinical, economic and emotional promises
  • how branding strategies and value proposition development need to adapt

"With hundreds of new biologic agents in development today, the coming tide of targeted therapies and companion diagnostics creates both opportunities and challenges for the industry," said Erickson. "Patient-centric information can help manufacturers, clinicians, policy makers and payers understand the implications of personalized medicine, as we move away from 'one size fits all' sales and marketing strategies."

Erickson has over 17 years of experience in the healthcare field, with deep knowledge of coding, coverage and payment for both Medicare and commercial health insurance. His fields of expertise include global health economics and reimbursement, hospital contracting and data analytics in the diagnostic, medical device and pharmaceutical, and commercial health plan space.

In addition, GfK's Sara Doran, Senior Research Director on GfK's Health team, will present a poster on "GfK's Novel Approach to Navigating the Web of Complex Treatment Regimens." The poster focuses on a new specialty medicine market entrant, offering a clear understanding of fit versus adoption, how to illustrate complex regimen changes over time, and what drives adoption of one regimen over another.

Doran's 11 years of research experience include both US and global custom projects, with deep quantitative expertise. She has managed strategic and tactical research studies with physicians, patients and caregivers and has worked on an array of research methodologies.

GfK is sponsoring the PBIRG Opening Reception on May 19 at 7:00PM PBIRG conference attendees can visit the company's booths (# 27/28); in addition, GfK Bridgehead has authored a feature article on personalized medicine in the Spring 2013 PBIRG Perspective.



The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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