Oct 5 2013
PeriodonticsLosAngeles.com is a website created by a Los Angeles periodontist. The website is dedicated to helping you learn about periodontal disease so you can prevent it, or identify and treat the condition early, before it causes tooth loss or other major health problems. Periodontal disease has become an increasingly large problem in American society. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, half of American adults aged 30 or over suffer from gum disease. It is important to understand what periodontal disease is and the risk factors associated with this condition.
Periodontal disease is caused by harmful bacteria in your mouth. This bacteria is always present, but if you do not take care to floss at least once daily and to brush your teeth thoroughly two or more times per day, the bacteria can grow and cause an infection. The bacteria cause inflammation in the gums, and can affect one or more teeth. Over time, the condition can cause the loss of gum tissue, loss of bone tissue, and tooth loss.
Several different populations are at special risk for periodontal disease, according to the expert in dental implants in Los Angeles. Senior citizens are more likely to develop gum disease, as are those who smoke or use tobacco, people with a family history of periodontal disease, those taking certain medications, people who clench or grind their teeth, those with certain systemic diseases, pregnant women, and patients who are obese or who have poor eating habits. These populations can especially benefit from arming themselves with knowledge about how periodontal disease develops and the various treatment options available to them if they develop periodontal disease.
The Los Angeles dental implants expert created PeriodonticsLosAngeles.com to provide articles and information about all aspects of periodontal disease, including how it develops, how periodontal disease can contribute to other health conditions, and more. Keep checking back to read the new information and articles, as well as information about the expert in Los Angeles and how you can have him treat your periodontal disease or other condition that affects the gums and your oral health.