Administration's proposed cancellation plan raises a new set of questions, concerns

News outlets explore a variety of issues related to President Barack Obama's proposed cancellation 'fix' -- including how this approach could alter the landscape for consumers, insurers and state insurance regulators.  

Kaiser Health News: For Insurers, Obama's Proposed Cancellation 'Fix' Changes Health Law Calculations
Despite numerous problems with the health law rollout, WellPoint CEO Joseph Swedish told analysts last week he was still 'confident' in the company's bet to be the biggest seller of Obamacare insurance. Two days later President Barack Obama changed the rules. Suddenly subscribers who were expected to buy coverage through the health law's marketplaces from WellPoint, the nation's No. 2 medical carrier, may end up keeping the plans they have now (Hancock, 11/22).

The CT Mirror: As Obamacare Fix Is Debated, Aetna Says It Discontinued 12,500 Policies
Aetna notified 12,500 individual policyholders in Connecticut that their health plans would not be renewed when they expire. But about 40 percent of them so far have chosen to buy a new policy that begins this year, allowing them to get 12 months of coverage from a plan not subject to the requirements of the federal health law. The number of canceled policies in the state, and the reasons for cancellation, have been sources of contention this week as lawmakers skirmish over whether Connecticut should allow insurers to extend plans that don't meet the requirements of the federal health law (Becker, 11/21).

The Texas Tribune: Report: Canceled Health Plans Should Be Kept In Perspective
Critics of the Affordable Care Act have lambasted President Obama's signature legislation as it struggles with technical glitches and as thousands of people nationally report the cancellation of their existing health insurance plans. But a report released Thursday by Families USA, a national health consumer organization, attempts to put the numbers in perspective (Aaronson, 11/21).

Stateline: Q&A: Sorting Out The Controversy Over Canceled Insurance Policies
Turns out, the president's request is not so straightforward at all. That is why, a week later, many state officials and insurance carriers are still wringing their hands over whether to comply with Obama's request. Here is an explanation of the cancellation issue and a chart showing how states have responded so far to the president's request (Vestal and Ollove, 11/22).

The Associated Press: Mo. Lets Insurers Renew Canceled Health Policies
Missouri will allow health insurance companies to continue offering policies that otherwise would have been canceled because they don't comply with federal law, Gov. Jay Nixon said Thursday Nationwide, more than 4 million people who buy their own insurance have received notices that their policies are ending because they don't meet minimum coverage requirements due to kick in next year under the federal health care law enacted by President Barack Obama (Lieb 11/22).

The Associated Press: Hamm Urges Renewal Of Canceled Health Plans
North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Adam Hamm on Thursday asked health insurance companies doing business in the state to renew policies that are being canceled under the federal health care law. Millions of people nationwide who buy their own insurance have gotten cancellation notices because their plans don't meet the higher benefit requirements of the Affordable Care Act (Nicholson, 11/21).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



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