GSI Health launches two new apps to support care coordination across healthcare continuum

GSI Health, a pioneer in helping healthcare providers and payer organizations implement Health Homes, announced today the launch of two new apps that will further enable Health Homes to provide highly coordinated care and analyze program effectiveness and population health outcomes. The new apps -- Carebook and Population Manager -- give Health Home care teams empowerment to access and optimize population and patient information in a much more actionable, customized and valuable way.

For the past two years, the Brooklyn Health Home, founded by Maimonides Medical Center and comprised of over 50 healthcare providers across the borough of Brooklyn, NY, has been realizing the power the right healthcare technology gives to a Health Home and is preparing to roll out the new apps.

"We're excited about the extraordinary potential of these new apps to support care coordination across the healthcare continuum," stated Dr. David Cohen, EVP, Clinical Affairs & Affiliations at Maimonides Medical Center. "Working with GSI Health has enabled the Brooklyn Health Home to become one of the leaders in Health Home success in the United States, and we're very proud of that accomplishment."

GSI Health has authored two free downloadable whitepapers for healthcare organizations: How To Turn The Promise Of Medicaid Health Homes Into Reality, and 5 Essential Steps to Coordinating Care for Accountable Care Organizations


GSI Health 


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