Expects develop web-based platform for Canadians to take personal ownership of their health

The recent report by the Health Council of Canada puts Canada in last place among OECD countries for healthcare wait times with major concerns regarding access to care. With only 31 per cent of Canadians getting a same-day or next-day doctor's appointment and 15 per cent of Canadians without a family doctor, Canada's strained healthcare system has reached a breaking point.

Dr. Walter Heidary and Dr. Eamonn Keane understand first-hand the gap between what a patient expects to receive and what the healthcare system is able to provide. They developed a national web-based platform, Mywebhealthreport, for Canadians to take personal ownership of their health by eliminating or mitigating their risk factors for developing chronic disease.

"I never had a family doctor so I have always gone to an emergency room whenever I have had a health issue," said Adam Clapham, Mywebhealthreport user. "Waiting to see a doctor would take hours but I really didn't have a better choice. That's why I signed up for Mywebhealthreport. I needed to see exactly where my health was, get a peace of mind. With the way the healthcare system is, I'd be afraid to be sick in Ontario."

Reducing wait times

Heidary and Keane believe the future of viable healthcare must include a greater emphasis on prevention, along with early disease detection and intervention to improve overall outcomes, cost and wait times. Mywebhealthreport provides an enhanced wellness experience with a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), biometric testing, and screening for up to 14 types of cancers, heart disease, hormone imbalances, and food intolerances.

"Our healthcare system is clearly failing Canadians," said Heidary. "Prevention is all but neglected. We could shorten wait times if people knew more about their health and their needs. Knowing the steps to take to get your health on track could lead to fewer health problems in the future."

Mywebhealthreport provides immediate access to the most evidence-based wellness initiatives available today. Wellness Concierges can also provide any required follow up assistance with other networks of health and wellness providers. Mywebhealthreport empowers Canadians with the control they need to take charge of their health.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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