A new instructional video from Porvair Sciences explains exactly how to conduct a ChIP assay for epigenetic research starting from a confluent monolayer of human cells.
This live demonstration of the Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay uses Porvair’s innovative solid-state ChIP kit – Chromatrap 96. The video was prepared to inform researchers of an optimised protocol for preparing fresh chromatin from a dish of growing cells and how to verify the quality of the chromatin recovered. In addition each simple step in the Chromatrap procedure is shown, leading to measurable amounts of high-purity chromatin ready for PCR or sequencing.
Because Chromatrap does not use beads to separate the chromatin, it is much faster, easier to use and less prone to manual handling errors. This is demonstrated in the new video. The simple centrifugation and wash steps are seen being performed on the immunocaptured chromatin, which is held on the novel solid-state disc at the heart of each Chromatrap spin column.
This video is an essential primer for those contemplating the technique, but who have yet to perform a ChIP assay. In addition the video offers users of traditional bead-based methods the chance to see for themselves how much easier and quicker their ChIP assays can become in the lab by using Chromatrap spin columns or 96-well filter plates.
For further information about the ChromaTrap® ChIP assay technology and related ChIP products please visit www.chromatrap.com or contact Porvair Sciences on +44-1978-666239 or [email protected].
Established in 1992, Porvair Sciences Ltd. has developed internationally recognised expertise in microplate technology and manufacturing serving applications in Drug Discovery, Combinatorial Chemistry, Solid Phase Extraction, Protein Purification, High Throughput Screening, Environmental Analysis, Proteomics and Genomics. Porvair Sciences Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Porvair plc.
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