May 31 2014
vielife has received certification from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) in the categories of health appraisals and self-management tools. This is the fourth consecutive time vielife has been awarded the certification.
NCQA is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality through accreditation and certification of a wide range of health care organizations. NCQA Certification is widely recognized, and certified organizations have to pass a rigorous, comprehensive review by NCQA and report on their performance every two years.
Maintaining the certification after undergoing the certification process affirms that vielife provides the highest quality health information and behavior change programs. Certification has become increasingly important in the selection of health information products, including health and well-being platforms such as vielife Online. vielife Online provides employees around the world with the tools to measure, improve and monitor their health and well-being through a series of online health assessments, lifestyle management programs and a rich article library in the areas of stress, sleep, nutrition and physical activity.
"For our U.S. clients, the NCQA seal of approval is one of the top criteria in their health and well-being product selection, and we're very proud to receive new certification," said vielife Solutions Director, Jessica Colling.
"Earning NCQA's Health Information Product (HIP) Certification demonstrates that an organization has expertise in gathering and disseminating health care information for health plan members," said NCQA's Kathleen C. Mudd, Vice President, Product Delivery. "vielife is to be commended for being one of the first organizations in the nation to be reviewed for these services and it has continued to seek this assessment and certification of quality."
NCQA Certification is a strong indication to an employer that its wellness vendor-partner has passed the highest objective standards by the leading third-party health care quality measurement organization. This is critical for organizations wanting to ensure the quality of information being provided to their employees. It is also important that this information is used effectively to improve employees' health and well-being while supporting corporate objectives such as managing costs and improving productivity.