Bitplane, an Oxford Instruments company and microDimensions announce a partnership to bring Voloom, from microDimensions, to the wider life sciences market via the Bitplane sales channels.
Voloom is an intuitive and automated software solution for the alignment and reconstruction of whole slide scanner images (and other series of 2D images) of any size. Voloom enables the examination of tissue slices as a 3D volume thus revolutionizing the way users of whole slide imaging devices can see and interact with the entire 3D sample. Imaris natively reads Voloom output and can determine a number of key parameters (i.e. volume, shape, surface structure and many more quantitative measures).

The combination of Voloom and Imaris enables researchers who typically work with 2D serial sections (e.g. automated whole slide scanner or conventional microtome+microscope users) to complete quantitative analyses on 3D volumes. Initially both bright-field and fluorescence data are supported but in the mid term more imaging modalities will be added to the workflow.
Luciano Lucas, Bitplane Product Manager said,
Voloom’s speed and automation is remarkable. This tool, in combination with Imaris’ quantitative features, will greatly enhance the range of applications whole slide scanner users can complete. In addition, Voloom is a great way to convert classical 2D serial sections into 3D data blocks which Imaris can read and work with.
Andreas Keil, microDimensions Product Manager, “Imaris is the de-facto standard for analysing 3-dimensional microscopic data. Therefore, it is the natural tool for advanced post-processing and analysis of 3D volumes that were reconstructed using Voloom. Bringing together Imaris and Voloom will open up new opportunities for the microscopy imaging community when analysing stacks of fluorescence and bright-field scans.”
For more information on Voloom or Imaris, visit