Volunteer double act are ‘still game’ after 10 years

The Golden Jubilee’s very own ‘Jack and Victor’ have been honoured for serving Scotland’s national hospital for over a decade.

Jack Tait and David Craig have been firm fixtures at the Golden Jubilee for more than 10 years – an achievement that was recognised at a special event ahead of annual Volunteering Week (1-7 June).

The dynamic duo received special awards from the Hospital’s Chair and Chief Executive at their Annual Volunteer Event last week. It was a doubly special occasion as it marked the end of an era for David; although he will perform his last volunteering ‘shift’ at the hospital on 16 June, he will still be invited along to special events.

The pair became fast friends after they both started as lay members of the Food, Fluid and Nutrition Group in 2004; Jack had undergone a triple heart bypass and David had an operation on his knee.

Jack commented: “I just want to thank all those here today and everyone who has made the last 10 years so enjoyable. I only do my best and am glad to help out. I can honestly say that it is a pleasure to come in to the hospital and work with Golden Jubilee staff.”

David commented: “Volunteering has allowed me to get involved in some very interesting areas I would never have been a part of otherwise and I’ve been able to play a small part in the health care of the future. Volunteering is my way of giving back to the hospital that gave so much to me. Life is short; you’ve got to make the most of it.”

Jeane Freeman, Chair of the Hospital’s Board, commented: “On behalf of the Board and Senior Management Team, I was delighted to attend the event to thank each of our volunteers for taking the time to help us deliver the best possible service for all of our patients. I was especially delighted to be able to recognise the achievements of Jack and David; they are two very special people, who have been an integral part of our volunteer service for the past 10 years. We are very sorry to see David go, but wish him all the very best for the future.”

The Golden Jubilee National Hospital has been committed to volunteering since 2004, when the first lay members – Jack and David among them – were recruited.

In 2009, the Golden Jubilee was one of the first NHS Boards to achieve Investing in Volunteers accreditation, the national quality standard for organisations showing a commitment to involving volunteers in their work; they were reaccredited in 2013 and are due to be re-assessed again in August of this year.

We currently have 74 active volunteers; as well as lay members, they provide support in Spiritual Care, ‘Meet and Greet’, Sensory Care, Befriending, Quality Walkrounds and Housekeeping Audits.

Maire Whitehead, Non Executive Board Member and Chair of the Volunteer Forum, commented: “Volunteers are a vital part of the NHS and that is the same for us as in any other NHS Board. Whether helping shape services, supporting patients with special needs, providing social interaction or spiritual care, our dedicated group of volunteers make a major contribution to supporting safe and effective patient care at a time when patients are at their most vulnerable. We look forward to continuing our work with all of our volunteers to ensure we maintain this high standard over the next three years and beyond.”

Volunteers Event 2015

About Jack Tait

  • Chair of Quality Patient Public Group
  • Lay member of our Person Centred Committee, Involving People, Volunteer Forum
  • Coordinates the quality walk rounds and CBAS walkrounds and the quarterly and annual reports for these.
  • From Thornhill, Dumfriesshire

About David Craig

  • Lay representative on various groups
  • At one time, had eight different hats so to speak
  • Currently a lay member of the Research Group and Bereavement Care Group
  • Has done a lot of work on the walkrounds etc.
  • Will attend his last ever meeting as a lay member on 16 June
  • From Clelland, Lanarkshire
  • The Golden Jubilee National Hospital is home to regional and national heart and lung services, a major centre for orthopaedics; and is the flagship hospital for reducing waiting times in key elective specialties.

www.twitter.com/jubileehospital (@JubileeHospital)

For more information contact:

Communications Department
Golden Jubilee National Hospital
Tel: 0141 951 5073/5195/5175
Mobile/out of hours: Call switchboard on 0141 951 5000 and ask for ‘On Call Communications’
E-mail: [email protected]


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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