Oct 19 2016
Postnova Analytics has announced a 1-day seminar examining the latest advanced separation techniques for the characterisation of nanoparticles, polymers and proteins.

This free seminar, due to be held on November 17th 2016 at the company's new UK headquarters in Malvern, has been designed to advance the attendees knowledge of applications and techniques in nanoscale characterisation. The meeting will be particularly useful to those using Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF), Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC/GPC) and Light Scattering as well as scientists interested in how these techniques may be useful in their research.
The seminar has attracted presentations from expert guest speakers including Professor Beppe Battaglia - 'Making polymersomes: Challenges and solutions' ; Dr Heidi Goenaga-Infante - 'FFF hyphenations for the characterisation of nanomaterials: from size-based speciation to number concentration' ; Professor Nicola Tirelli - 'Microfluidic-based preparation of PLGA nanoparticles and Professor Éva Valsami-Jones, - 'The importance of nanomaterial characterisation in their safety assessment'.
As well as these eminent guest speakers, there will be presentations from Postnova scientists, discussions on FFF applications with experts in the field and updates on the latest instrumentation and detectors.
Separation techniques covered by the seminar will include Flow FFF (AF4), Thermal FFF, Centrifugal FFF and SEC/GPC. Detection techniques discussed will include Multi-Angle and Dynamic Light Scattering (MALS/DLS), Refractive Index (RI), Viscometry, UV and ICP-MS.