Feldschloesschen AG, Switzerland’s largest brewery, has consolidated the quality control of their product on a customized Metrohm system. Comprehensive beer analysis used to be fragmented and distributed across several analyzers in the Feldschloesschen QC lab and is now conveniently performed on a single, modular platform controlled by the world’s number one titration software tiamo.

"Previously, you had to work on three different measuring systems, use three different autosamplers, and enter the sample info three times" says Jules Wyss, Manager QS-Brewery at Feldschloesschen AG, describing the challenge of comprehensive beer analysis before the consolidation.
Working closely together, Feldschloesschen and Metrohm have found a solution to this challenge by integrating titration, ion chromatography, and NIR spectroscopy into a single, modular system controlled by tiamo software. Jules Wyss loves the modularity of the system and emphasizes the ease of use. "Everyone can operate this system… everyone loves tiamo, because this software is so easy to use. It took my staff only minutes to become familiar with it."
Jules Wyss is particularly happy with the technical and application support he gets from Metrohm. "They are the only ones who are up to such a job at all. They share with us their huge know-how. I can’t think of any other supplier, who would have been able to help me in the same way."