Metrohm has published three new application notes (ANs) describing the fully automated determination of chloride in milk, milk powder, cheese, and salted butter as per AOAC, ISO, and IDF. Automation provides for higher sample throughput and better reproducibility, thus increasing efficiency and reliability of results. The new ANs can be downloaded free of charge from

Chloride is crucial for keeping human body fluids properly balanced; moreover it is an essential part of digestive stomach juices. However, excessive levels of chloride have an adverse effect on human health.
Public health authorities recommend maximum limits for chloride in many foodstuffs. The Metrohm method presented describes fully automated titration to simplify monitoring the chloride content in in milk, milk powder, cheese, and salted butter as per AOAC, ISO, and IDF. This method avoids time-consuming manual sample preparation, increases sample throughput, and provides a solution for high fat samples.
The following ANs are available and can be downloaded free of charge:
- AN – T 133 Chloride in milk and milk powder based on ISO 21422, IDF 242, AOAC 2015.07, AOAC 2015.08 and AOAC 2016.03
- AN – T 134 Chloride in salted butter in accordance with ISO 15648, ISO 21422, IDF 179 and IDF 242
- AN – T 135 Chloride in cheese as per EN ISO 5943, ISO 21422, IDF 242 and IDF 88