On Thursday, the 20th of July, the high-school life science laboratory in Ohlsbach, Germany received a FLUOstar® Omega microplate reader donated by BMG LABTECH. The device enables the young scientists to expand their research capabilities. Application Specialists Andrea Krumm and Jendrik Marbach, representing BMG LABTECH, handed over the microplate reader to Tobias Stadelmann, high-school graduate of Marta-Schanzenbach-Gymnasium, from the student lab. The aim of the lab is to give young scholars of mathematics, computer science, life science and technology the possibility to work on their own research projects.

The initial contact between the company and the high-school lab was established at the Analytica exhibition 2018 in Munich. As things developed Andrea Krumm and Mario Schneider from BMG LABTECH visited the laboratory in nearby Ohlsbach. In return the students visited the microplate reader specialist in Ortenberg. Agreement was quickly reached in supporting the project with a plate reader.
Tobias Stadelmann is very delighted about the support of BMG LABTECH:
The BMG LABTECH plate reader allows us an efficient and professional evaluation of various biological experiments. It is a huge gain for our lab. We’d like to thank BMG LABTECH. With this donation, the company shows regional responsibility and commitment to training the next generation of scientist and to supporting the region Ortenau as a scientific location".
The young researchers already achieved remarkable results in different natural science competitions such as “Jugend forscht” and the “BioValley Award” which allows the participation of students from the regions North-West Switzerland, Alsace (France) and Southern Baden (Germany).
With this donation BMG LABTECH is investing in young scientists and shows regional social commitment.