Metrohm Raman is pleased to present the Mira P handheld Raman system. Mira P features the capability of building verification models. One example of the application of verification models is the real-time qualitative analysis of edible oils. Mira P evaluates edible oils precisely and efficiently, giving customers and producers confidence in the quality of their oil product. In controlled tests, Mira P successfully verified 16 different edible oils, with excellent and reliable results.

The global edible oil market is anticipated to witness substantial growth, especially for unrefined, healthy, and organic oils. Indeed, edible oils are among the most widely used ingredients by food production and skincare industries.
Facile verification of edible oils
Raman is an ideal technique for evaluation of many different materials and can be used to identify and indicate the adulteration of edible oils. With Mira P from Metrohm Raman, real-time qualitative analysis of edible oils is precise and efficient. Mira P, equipped with ORS technology, has been used to verify the identities of sixteen different edible oils, despite their very small spectral differences. Mira P is capable of accurate verification with customized training sets and PCA analysis. For verification of known substances, PCA analysis is a powerful statistical method that provides instant visual PASS/FAIL results supported by p-values. In seconds, Mira P confirms the identity of high quality ingredients, enabling producers to protect their product and their brand.
Advantages of using Mira P as your verification method:
- Robust, portable system for material identification and verification
- Ease of use with maximum safety and reliable results within seconds
- Custom libraries, operating procedures, and training sets for specific testing needs
- Analysis is fast and nondestructive, requiring no sample preparation
- Various attachments for all of various sampling situations
- Fully compliant with FDA, EU, ASTM, USP and NIST standards