INTEGRA has responded to customers’ requests and developed two new 24-channel pipetting heads, extending the capabilities of its popular VIAFLO 96/384.

Designed to make cell biology workflows more efficient and reliable, these handheld electronic pipettes allow plate filling, reagent addition or sample transfers to be performed in a single step, enabling quicker and more accurate pipetting.
Two versions of the 24-channel heads are available to accommodate the need for different volumes – a 10 to 300 µl option for cell or reagent addition, and a larger 50 to 1,250 µl version for media and buffer transfers – allowing the user to fill a 24-well plate in seconds. Both options use INTEGRA’s proprietary GripTip system, which ensures perfect alignment and eliminates the risk of pipette tips leaking or falling off.
As with existing 96- and 384-channel options, all of INTEGRA’s pipetting heads are easily interchangeable, allowing the user to seamlessly switch between 24-, 96-, 384- and 1,536-well plate formats in less than a minute to streamline workflows. The easy-to-use system also minimizes the risk of human error, making lab results more accurate and reproducible.