COVID-19 vaccination associated with fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues

Analyzing the most extensive datasets in the United States, researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have revealed that vaccination against COVID-19 is associated with fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues among people who were infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Study: Impact of Vaccination on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients With COVID-19 Infection. Image Credit: Kateryna Kon / Shutterstock

The research letter, "Impact of Vaccination on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with COVID-19 Infection," was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology on February 20.

In addition, the research will be presented in a poster session in New Orleans, LA, at the American College of Cardiology's 72nd Annual Scientific Session Together With World Heart Federation's World Congress of Cardiology:

  • Poster Session

Title – Prevention and Health Promotion: Population Science

Date/Time – March 5, 2023, 9:30 am to 10:30 am *Central Time*

Location – Poster Hall, Hall F

It is the first study to examine both full and partial vaccination and the link to major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in the United States, confirming similar analyses performed previously using the Korean COVID-19 registry. Researchers used the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) database, the largest national comprehensive database on COVID-19. Since its inception in 2020, the N3C has continuously collected and harmonized data from electronic health records of institutions nationwide. Included in this study were 1,934,294 patients, 217,843 of whom received mRNA vaccine formulations by Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna or viral vector technology by Johnson & Johnson. Cox proportional hazards, a statistical technique, was implemented to assess vaccination association with MACE.

We sought to clarify the impact of previous vaccination on cardiovascular events among people who develop COVID-19 and found that, particularly among those with comorbidities, such as previous MACE, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, liver disease, and obesity, there is an association with a lower risk of complications. While we cannot attribute causality, it is supportive evidence that vaccination may have beneficial effects on a variety of post-COVID-19 complications."

Girish N. Nadkarni, MD, MPH, Senior Author, Irene and Dr. Arthur M. Fishberg Professor of Medicine at Icahn Mount Sinai, Director of The Charles Bronfman Institute of Personalized Medicine, and System Chief, Division of Data Driven and Digital Medicine (D3M), Department of Medicine

"To our surprise, even partial vaccination was associated with lower risk of adverse cardiovascular events," said first study author Joy Jiang, an MD/Ph.D. candidate in the lab of Dr. Nadkarni. "Given the magnitude of SARS-CoV-2 infection worldwide, we hope our findings could help improve vaccination rates, especially in individuals with coexisting conditions."

Further work will be necessary to elucidate the mechanisms involved from an immunological perspective and clarify the role of SARS-CoV-2 subtypes and reinfections in their relationship to the risk of MACE.

Journal reference:
  • Jiang J, Chan L, Kauffman J, et al. Impact of Vaccination on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients With COVID-19 Infection. J Am Coll Cardiol. null2023, 0 (0) .


  1. John Barr John Barr United States says:

    Interesting since I have never had covid viral infection to date, yet the Pfizer covid vaccine led to cardiac arrhythmia, dysautonomia, and polyneuropathy within days of Dose 2.  I was a previously healthy nurse and now I am disabled.   I have encountered many others with similar issues.   Is anyone researching this?

    • Adam Gallant Adam Gallant Canada says:

      If course there are studies done but I am very sorry to hear about your side effects. Canada has had about 6000 severe adverse effects so I would assume the US would have around 60,000. I know this sounds callus, but the medical field considered this reasonable when compared to the acute and long term effects of covid as well as how wide it spread.

      I hope you have found the support the government offers (never enough) and wish you the best.

  2. Brett McIver Brett McIver New Zealand says:

    WHO is paying for this "research" ?
    This is not what we are seeing in New Zealand.

  3. Malus Prunus Malus Prunus Latvia says:

    Of course you wouldn't associate something that could land you in jail for long time.

  4. E G E G United States says:

    This is the exact OPPOSITE of what's happening. All my friends that got it developed chronic illness shortly after. One of my friends literally had a stroke at 21. That is NOT NORMAL.

  5. Al Pace Al Pace United States says:

    Having watched this, I beg to differ. Just ignore the warning, there's a lot of (gov't) pressure in censoring the facts. So Go to Rumble & watch "World Premier: Died suddenly". All you need to know about mRNA. IF you can handle it!

  6. Lisa Hunt Lisa Hunt Australia says:

    It only studied cardiovascular events post COVID if vaccinated....(we were not even supposed to get COVID if vaccinated according to the media). Not timeline of how long the study went for, where the study was nor when it was conducted (alpha,delta or omnicron era) nor what variables they took in to account.  It also didn't compare vaccine related cardiac events to COVID if vaccinated cardiac events..... Useless article.

  7. Jim Pero Jim Pero United States says:

    This is consistent with my experience. I do not know a single person who has had a long lasting bad reaction to the vaccine. I have a 56 year old colleague who died prematurely who never got the vaccine.

  8. Rosie Owen Rosie Owen Australia says:

    Wow.  How do you people who supposedly did this research sleep???.....  The evidence is substantial and blatant now that these vaccines are causing heart issues and heart related deaths....(not to mention so many other shocking adverse events).  Please grow a conscience and tell the truth.

    • Am J Am J Australia says:

      Where is your evidence, then? Facebook? Youtube? 🙄
      I understand that you are scared and anxious due to being misinformed by social media covidiots but seriously, it's like a cult of lemmings - these people share a brain and con people into jumping off a cliff to death and disability while making a buck through Youtube videos, Substack,  etc, etc. Don't fall for it!

  9. Charles Fettinger Charles Fettinger United States says:

    Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
    We all know cumulative exposure to spike is the issue. I am sure all adverse events were attributed to the virus regardless of damage from the vaccine.
    Prospective studies already show the mRNA damage

  10. Matthew Gonzalez Matthew Gonzalez United States says:

    I have a hard time believing people who claim all these "my friend" or "I know someone" stories regarding heart problems. Me and every single person I know, friends, family, family of said friend who hasn't felt anything different with these vaccines. I'm sure there's a number of people who are affected in various ways, but to say these are purposely killing people is ridiculous. The research is there. At worst, this is simply a rushed science.

  11. Leopold Gering Leopold Gering United States says:

    No thanks, I will remain a "pure blood", I had covid and survived without a vaccine, for many it is like the flu, it sucks, but you will more than likely get over it.

  12. John Andrews John Andrews United States says:

    There was a recent poll done by Rasmussen showing a significant percentage of people reporting serious vaccine injuries.   I recall the percentage was around 6%.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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