Transparent capsules in inhalers improve medication delivery for chronic airway diseases

Background and goal: This study examined whether patients with non-reversible chronic airway disease using a transparent capsule in single-dose dry powder inhalers affects the amount of medication delivered. The goal was to determine if patients who use transparent capsules that allow them to see if the medication has been fully inhaled have better inhalation results compared to those using opaque capsules.

Study approach: Researchers conducted an observational cross-sectional study between October 2020 and October 2022 at a tertiary university hospital. The study involved 91 patients using long-acting bronchodilators with single-dose dry powder inhalers for chronic airway disease. Patients used their inhalers under supervision, and the weight of the capsule was measured before and after inhalation to assess how much of the medication was delivered.

Main results:

• Patients using transparent capsules had a significant decrease in capsule weight after inhalation, with a 30.1% reduction compared to an 8.6% reduction for opaque capsules, indicating more medication was delivered.

• The change in capsule weight was consistent regardless of the severity of the patient's airway disease.

Why it matters: The findings suggest that using transparent capsules in dry powder inhalers could improve medication delivery by providing patients with visual feedback on their inhalation technique. This could lead to better management of chronic airway diseases by ensuring that patients receive their full dose of medication.

Journal reference:

Arija, R. R., et al. (2024). Evaluation of the Importance of Capsule Transparency in Dry Powder Inhalation Devices. The Annals of Family Medicine.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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